SunAndMoon Eldercare
Each and every one of us faces aging in our own way. But we also share common fears, hopes, and experiences.
Our sun and moon are both ordinary and extraordinary, as is our own living experience. We are connected, large and small, to the passage of time and the changes that it brings, for each day and every life.
SunAndMoon Eldercare honors these changes in serving older people with compassion and respect. Let SunAndMoon Eldercare support you and your loved ones in making this time of life a little easier.
What is a Care Manager / Aging Life Care Specialist?
Aging Life Care, formerly known as geriatric care management, helps older people and their families address the challenges that many of us face in our later years. Knowledge of resources and approaches that may increase life satisfaction and safety is essential to aging with dignity.
A care manager serves as an advocate for older people, emphasizing individual choice but with realistic assessments and boundaries that support us as we age. An assessment of needs takes into account individual preferences and circumstance to provide supports that are welcomed and appreciated.
"My mother lives alone, and I am worried that she might fall."
"I live in another state, and I need someone to check on my father."
"I'm a solo ager, and I want to do what I can to remain independent."
"My parents need to move to an assisted living community, and they don't want to move."
"I need help scheduling appointments and communicating with my medical team."
"We aren't sure how to best support our parents. Can we talk with you as a family to sort out ideas?"
"My father seems so alone, and his memory is a concern. How can we help him connect with others?"